WTC 'Tridents' are being installed inside 9/11 memorial museum (Updated x3)
WTC 'Tridents' are being installed inside 9/11 memorial museum (Updated x3)

(Eds Note: The installation is ongoing. This post will be updated as developments occur.)
The so-called steel "tridents," historic remnants of the Twin Towers’ façade, is being permanently installed in the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The 70-foot high columns known as “tridents” because of their three-pronged tops, were salvaged from the wreckage of the north tower. Each weighs about 50 tons, and will be on permanent display within the atrium of the Museum Pavilion.
After being salvaged from the wreckage, the “tridents” were housed at John F. Kennedy Airport’s Hangar 17 with other recovered WTC artifacts. The tridents are currently covered in a white protective covering to prevent any damage during continued construction of the Museum.
Update: One of the two steel tridents was successfully placed in position. Read more about it in this Associated Press report. Separately, Bloomberg's Henry Goldman reported on the overall status of the reconstruction at the World Trade Center site.
9/11 Memorial staff
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