White roses and small American flags on a bronze Memorial parapet
Photo: David E. Starke

2024 Annual Report

Nearly a quarter century after the 9/11 attacks, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum continues to stand as a beacon of remembrance, resilience, and hope. We remain unwavering in our dedication to preserving the stories of 9/11’s victims and heroes, and to ensuring that those too young to remember that tragic day understand its lessons, legacy, and ongoing significance.    

In our 2024 annual report, we mark an institutional milestone – 10 years since the dedication of the Museum. In this moment, we are especially grateful for the 9/11 community members, visitors, and supporters who have sustained our mission in the last decade. Our year was anchored in commemoration as we observed the 31st anniversary of the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing, 22 years since the May 30, 2002 end of rescue and recovery operations at Ground Zero, and the 23rd anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, when 7,100 9/11 family members joined us at the Memorial and roughly 250,000 watched online. 

The year was also defined by new programs and initiatives, part of our ongoing efforts to expand our storytelling and engage new audiences of all ages. We launched New York First Mondays, which offered New Yorkers a free opportunity to experience the Museum exclusively with one another, reconnecting with the spirit of community that blanketed the city following the attacks. The installation "Dust: Illness and Advocacy After 9/11" opened in May, exploring the long-term health effects of and advocacy efforts for those exposed to toxic dust in the aftermath of 9/11. And in the fall, "Faces of Ground Zero: Photographs by Joe McNally" opened, reflecting the experiences of first responders and rescue and recovery workers through large scale photographs. 

We were privileged to welcome 2.4 million visitors to the Museum and 11.6 million to the Memorial.  

Watch a video about our mission to commemorate, educate, and inspire in 2024.  

2024 Highlight Reel

2024 Annual Report Video

The vital work we do is not possible without the generosity of our donors and members. Your support sustains our mission and enables us to expand our education programs so that new generations learn the stories and legacies of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001. On behalf of our Chairman Michael R. Bloomberg, President and CEO Elizabeth L. Hillman, and the staff of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, we extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment. 

We invite you to explore our annual report, which features a complete list of donors along with reflections from our Chairman and President and CEO on the past year. 

Infographic highlighting 2024 milestone statistics for the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, including visitation, new artifacts, and commemoration attendees.

The Year in Photos

  • Aerial view looking down at Foundation Hall, where a film shoot is taking place.
  • Two peole - one in a blue vest and one in a beige vest - speak to one another while holding yellow roses, with more in the background on the Memorial parapets.
  • The Survivor tree with white buds in early spring
  • Back view of a child in a purple dress and white tights looking at a mangled fire truck
  • Runners and walkers in navy blue t-shirts just after the start line at the 5K
  • A small crowd views the display cases for the installation "Dust" in Foundation Hall
  • A person in a blue shirt and brown pants stands in front of two screens that read "9/11 Memorial & Museum Institute for Educators," while reading off a piece of paper and with one hand in the air.
  • Back view of children looking at the Last Column, which is covered in hand painted messages and memorial artifacts.
  • Three people smile as they pose with the Hudson riverfront behind them, and the top of a blue and white umbrella visible behind them.
  • Three people seated, in conversation, on stage, with a dark backdrop behind them and a vertical banner that reads, "9/11 Memorial & Museum." Under the text is a photograph of the steel tridents.
  • Back view of a crowd of military members saluting on the Memorial Plaza.
  • Hands holding paper as they make an imprint of a name on the Memorial parapet.
  • A crowd listens to a speaker against a backdrop of full green foliage on the Memorial plaza.
  • Back view of 9/11 commemoration ceremony participants as they hold up photographs and artifacts belonging to victims.
  • Twin beams of blue beams of light radiate into the nighttime sky with the New York City skyline in the background.
  • Two people in conversation on stage, against a bright blue curtain. The one on the left wears a dark suit. The one on the right wears a cream-colored sweater.
  • A runner stands with their hands on their hips at the finish line of the 5K. A crowd of other participants is visible in the background.
  • In a darkened room, museum staff members inspect a table of artifacts.
  • Back view of a family looking at the Slurry Wall, a stained cement structure that spans from floor to ceiling.
  • A group of smiling educators wearing matching white t-shirts pose informally in a conference room together.
  • Four seated panelists in a discussion on stage, against a bright blue curtain adorned with the 9/11 Memorial & Museum logo.
  • Back view of an individual with a tan-colored backpack bearing a round patch that says, "Honor Ruck" and a rectangular patch that says "Thank You Veterans."
  • Five people seated at a table mid-discussion. A dark-haired person with a beard wearing a navy blue hoodie speaks animatedly with his hands.
  • View of a museum gallery that displays large portraits of first-responders. An introductory sits on the left with the text "Faces of Ground Zero."

Photos: Monika Graff, Ben Hider, David E. Starke


Cover of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum 2024. Annual Report

Find additional financial and legal information, as well as past annual reports, here.
