U.S. Service Members and Veterans
The 9/11 Memorial & Museum recognizes the courage, selflessness, and sacrifice of the people who answered the call to serve or continued their military careers after the attacks.
In the days and months that followed the 9/11 attacks, many men and women were inspired to enlist in the armed services and deployed into harm’s way to selflessly protect the United States and its freedoms and ideals.
Many of these brave men and women have since returned to their communities as civilians. Others gave their lives. This enduring connection between the military and the events of 9/11 is evidenced by the thousands of veterans and active-duty service members who visit the site each year, and in the hundreds of reenlistment and promotional ceremonies that have taken place at the 9/11 Memorial.
Veterans talk about 9/11, their call to service, and their experiences at the 9/11 Memorial Museum.
Salute to Service
Every year around Veterans Day, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum hosts Salute to Service, a special tribute to America’s veterans and the families and communities that support them. During Salute to Service, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum hosts a series of events and special programs for veterans and their families, as well as the visiting public.
For 9/11 Family Members

If your loved one served in the military and you would like us to place a yellow rose at his or her name on Veterans Day, and if you have not previously provided this information to the Memorial, please email veterans@911memorial.org.
9/11 Memorial Glade

The Glade honors those who are sick or have died from exposure to toxins in the aftermath of 9/11.

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum is committed to ensuring access for all visitors.