Video: Help the 9/11 Memorial secure 200K through Members Project
Watch “We Remember” Today and Help Support the 9/11 Memorial in the American Express/Take Part Members Project - Production by the 9/11 Memorial Interns
Filmed at various popular locations in Manhattan’s Financial District and produced by the summer interns at the 9/11, this video features testimonials from former students who weren’t even old enough to be in college on September 11, 2001, but like so many men, women and children from around the world, the attacks and their aftermath remain forever engraved in their memories. It is through shared reflections like these that we are all reminded of our connection to that day. The progress currently taking place and all of the hard work at the World Trade Center site will benefit not only those coming to reflect on their own connection to Sept. 11, but to the generations who will not remember the event first-hand.
You can help make this meaningful tribute a reality by voting this week for the 9/11 Memorial as your choice for the American Express/Take Part Members Project. This online effort to win a $200,000 prize ends on August 22, 2010 and those funds will directly ensure the continued construction, operations, and meaningful educational work of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, an enduring tribute at the World Trade Center site where millions will come to remember for generations.
It only takes a few moments to register your email . . . and literally seconds to vote at the link below.
Please show this video and encourage your friends and family to vote. Post it to your Facebook and Twitter accounts and help us spread the word!
By the 9/11 Memorial Staff
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The people behind rebuilding WTC to read 9/11 victims’ names

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The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial

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