18 Years Later: 9/11 Memorial Remembers Six Killed in 1993 WTC Bombing
18 Years Later: 9/11 Memorial Remembers Six Killed in 1993 WTC Bombing

- Above: A woman is helped by two NYPD officers after the Feb. 26, 1993, World Trade Center blast in which six people were killed, thousands injured. (9/11 Memorial Museum photo)
Over the next three days, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum will commemorate the anniversary of the Feb. 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center with stories from that tragic day. Help pay tribute to the six individuals killed with your comments, memories and reflections. This is the final story in the series.
Today we remember the first attack on the World Trade Center. We remember the hate and cowardice of Islamist terrorists who drove a rental van into the parking garage under the north tower and detonated 1,200 pounds of explosives. Most importantly, we remember those killed in the attacks - Steven Knapp, William Macko, John DiGiovanni, Robert Kirkpatrick, Wilfredo Mercado and Monica Rodriguez Smith, who was pregnant at the time of the deadly blast. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones they left behind.
When the 9/11 Memorial opens this September, these names will be among those permanently inscribed in bronze around the twin Memorial pools, the 2,982 names of those killed in the 1993 and 9/11 attacks. Family members of the victims and visitors will be able to reflect on the lives lost at the very place where the bombing occurred 18 years ago today.
Please join me and the staff of the 9/11 Memorial in honoring the memories of Steven, William, John, Robert, Wilfredo and Monica.
By Joe Daniels, 9/11 Memorial President
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