The 9/11 Memorial needs your help, your vote for $200,000 in crucial funding
We’ve been getting the word out that the 9/11 Memorial has been selected as a candidate to win $200,000 through Members Project from American Express and TakePart. You’ve probably seen our e-mails about this effort, and if you’ve been taking the time to vote for us each week, thank you so very much.
If you haven’t heard about this initiative, or if you have but haven’t found the time to vote, we need your votes now more than ever. This potential funding could go a long way for us at the 9/11 Memorial, helping to support the development of our museum exhibitions. These exhibitions will be the global focal point for telling the story of 9/11, preserving its history and the spirit of unity that has become its legacy for generations to come.
The only way we can get there is with your help, your family and friends and other supporters of the 9/11 Memorial. Please help us spread the word by inviting them to participate through Facebook and Twitter. Every single vote counts and we truly appreciate each one. Follow these simple steps to support us through Members Project. Be sure to vote once a week from now until November 21st.
- Step 1: Vote! Visit the Members Project site here, click “register to vote” (or sign in using your username and password if you’ve already participated in Members Project voting) and then vote for the 9/11 Memorial under the “Arts & Culture” category.
- Step 2: Spread the wordto your family and friends through e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter. Ask everyone you know to support the building of our nation’s Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center site by voting for the 9/11 Memorial. Here's an example tweet: "Just 1 year until the 9/11 Memorial opens. Show your support by voting for the 9/11 Memorial to win funding from Members Project. Visit" And an example Facebook post: "I haven’t forgotten 9/11. Please help me win $200,000 for the 9/11 Memorial in support of their mission to commemorate and educate. Visit"
- Step 3: IMPORTANT! Repeat Steps 1 and 2 every week to ensure the 9/11 Memorial receives the much-needed $200,000. Please help us to win this crucial funding. We can’t do it without you. Vote now and visit to learn more.
Thank you all very much.
By Joe Daniels, President and CEO of the 9/11 Memorial
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New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who serves as the board chair of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, delivered the following remarks on the steps of the U.S. Capitol yesterday as part of a September 11th Remembrance Ceremony:"Remember