The first of 400 trees planned for 9/11 Memorial's plaza is heading to WTC site (Updated)
The first of 400 trees planned for 9/11 Memorial's plaza is heading to WTC site (Updated)

Update: Several trees were planted on the memorial plaza on Saturday. Return to The MEMO soon for more pictures and information about the planting. Until then, read this story about this landmark tree move that brought life back to the World Trade Center site.
At least a dozen Swamp White Oak trees will be planted on the western side of the World Trade Center site near the 9/11 Memorial pools. The trees currently average 30 feet in height and have a branch spread of 12 feet. They were chosen from areas within a 500-mile radius of the WTC site, as well as from New York, Pennsylvania and near Washington D.C. – to symbolize the locations directly impacted by the 9/11 attacks.
The trees have been growing at the Millstone Township, NJ, nursery since 2007. Houston-based Environmental Design is coordinating the tree move from the nursery and planting at the World Trade Center for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.
9/11 Memorial President Joe Daniels will oversee the planting of the first trees on Saturday morning at at the site.
By Michael Frazier, Sr. Communications Manager for the 9/11 Memorial
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First of about 400 swamp white oak trees are being planted on 9/11 Memorial's plaza (Updated X4)
(Click full-screen icon to increase view)9/11 Memorial President Joe Daniels and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Deputy Executive Director Bill Baroni has welcomed the arrival and planting of the first trees on the Memorial Plaza at the World Tr