Fran Moore Talks Reducing Barriers to Entry in the Intelligence Community
Fran Moore Talks Reducing Barriers to Entry in the Intelligence Community
On Monday, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum kicked off a new season of its digital public program series When the World Changes with Fran Moore, Director for Intelligence (now Analysis) at the Central Intelligence Agency (2010–2014).
In conversation with Clifford Chanin, executive vice president and deputy director for museum programs, Moore discussed how collaboration within the intelligence community, and with the armed forces, helped bring Osama bin Laden to justice.
In the video clip below, Moore explains the critical roles women have held at the CIA and in other areas of the intelligence community, and how these women were instrumental in the search for bin Laden.
Program clip from "In Pursuit of Justice: Integrating Intelligence"
“The Agency, I think, is at the forefront of reducing barriers to advancement for all employees. But, for decades targeting, counter-espionage work was where a lot of the best and brightest women, both operationally and analytically, went when other paths to advancement were more fraught for women. And some of the women that were critical in doing the bin Laden work, or some of the early bin Laden work, had been, you know, in the job for more than five years. So in some respects barriers to advancement have led women to gravitate to some of those occupations in the past and that laid the groundwork for some of that success.”
Moore shares more about women in the Agency in an NBC News report “Sisterhood of Spies: Women crack the code at the CIA” with Ann Curry.
Check to watch past public programs and to learn of upcoming programs.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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