The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum
The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum

The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum is a photography series devoted to documenting moments big and small that unfold at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
The View: American Airlines flight attendant wings left in tribute for airline crew aboard Flight 77 at the 9/11 Memorial. This was one of the four flights hijacked on the morning of 9/11. In honor of National Aviation Week, we recognize the flight crew members lost on 9/11 and the commitment of the men and women who continue to help keep passengers safe today.By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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LEAD Award Presented to 9/11 Memorial Staff Member

A member of the 9/11 Memorial Museum staff was recently awarded the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disabilities (LEAD) Award for Emerging Leaders, recognizing the leadership and work that promotes accessibility and inclusion in cultural institutions.
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Remembering WTC Window Washer Roko Camaj

Roko Camaj spent nearly half of his life suspended from ropes over 1,300 feet above ground working outside of the original World Trade Center.