Mission To Remember Video Series Takes You Behind the Scenes of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Mission To Remember Video Series Takes You Behind the Scenes of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum

What does it take to maintain a memorial visited by millions each year? How do conservationists take care of extremely delicate artifacts? How do you talk to children about tragedy?
The 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s Mission to Remember video series explores these questions and more, offering a behind-the-scenes look into one of the most sacred sites in the world.
Since the Memorial existed only as a blueprint, the staff at the Memorial & Museum has made every effort to welcome family members, visitors, and world leaders to a place worthy of the lives honored here. Mission to Remember gives a glimpse into this meaningful work that happens year-round.
Learn the history of the birthday rose program, a special tribute to honor each and every victim’s birthday.
Watch our conservationists preserve artifacts whose meaning is in their damage.
Explore the careful and intentional process by which we acquire artifacts, including the personal belongings of 9/11 victims.
Listen to how our educators teach students with no lived memory of 9/11 about the attacks and their ongoing repercussions.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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