Museum Construction is Progressing with Large Artifacts Installation
Museum Construction is Progressing with Large Artifacts Installation

A total of 17 compelling artifacts have been put into place inside the 9/11 Memorial Museum, slated to open in the spring of 2014.
Two of the most recent artifacts to be installed include pieces of impact steel known as M-27 and M-2. These massive steel columns, which are from the façade of the North Tower, were situated directly above the point of impact of Flight 11.
Other artifacts include a folded piece of “flag steel,” the World Trade Center Cross and the grappler.
By Anthony Guido, 9/11 Memorial Communications Manager
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Street Renamings Help Keep 9/11 Memories Permanent

Amid the challenges faced by many bereaved family and friends after 9/11, was the absence of physical remains to bury, depriving them of this traditional ritual of closure.
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Meet a 9/11 Memorial Host, who Served as a Marine

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