New Video: Every Vote Counts, See How You Can Help
Did you vote for the 9/11 Memorial yet? I did and I return each week to support the charity I'm proud to represent as the president and CEO of the 9/11 Memorial. I'm asking you to join me in this effort to secure $200,000 for the 9/11 Memorial.
Voting is easy as steps 1, 2 and 3.
- Step 1: Vote! Visit the Members Project site here, click “register to vote” (or sign in using your username and password if you’ve already participated in Members Project voting) and then vote for the 9/11 Memorial under the “Arts & Culture” category.
- Step 2: Spread the word to your family and friends through e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter. Ask everyone you know to support the building of our nation’s Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center site by voting for the 9/11 Memorial. Here’s an example tweet: “Just 1 year until the 9/11 Memorial opens. Show your support by voting for the 9/11 Memorial to win funding from Members Project. Visit” And an example Facebook post: “I haven’t forgotten 9/11. Please help me win $200,000 for the 9/11 Memorial in support of their mission to commemorate and educate. Visit”
- Step 3: IMPORTANT! Repeat Steps 1 and 2 every week to ensure the 9/11 Memorial receives the much-needed $200,000. Please help us to win this crucial funding. We can’t do it without you. Vote now and visit to learn more.
Help us get the word out that the 9/11 Memorial has been picked as a charity to win $200,000 through Members Project from American Express and TakePart. If you are already taking the time to vote for us each week, thank you so much. It means a lot to me, our organizations and our supporters.
Now tell your friends to tell their friends to join you in this effort. Every single vote counts and we truly appreciate each one. Follow these simple steps to support us through Members Project. Be sure to vote once a week from now until November 21st.
Thank you.
By Joe Daniels, President and CEO of the 9/11 Memorial
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