Upcoming Public Program: "Are We Safer?"
Upcoming Public Program: "Are We Safer?"
We are pleased to present the next program in our When the World Changes digital conversation series at 2 p.m. ET on Monday, November 9.
Former secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and 9/11 Memorial & Museum trustee Jeh Johnson will lead a panel discussion about the changing threat environment on U.S. soil nearly 20 years after 9/11.
In recent years, the number of foreign terrorist attacks against the United States has decreased. Given this, Secretary Johnson asks our distinguished panelists to reflect upon whether Americans are really safer now, or has the threat changed? Secretary Johnson is joined by former Acting Director of the CIA Michael Morell, former Congresswoman and now Director, President and CEO of the Wilson Center Jane Harman, Admiral William H. McRaven, U.S. Navy (Ret.), and NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller.
This program is offered in conjunction with the third annual 9/11 Memorial & Museum Summit on Security, presented by Fiserv, which brings together many of the world's leading voices from across the public and private sectors to build on the discussion of how we can all make our companies, cities, and nations safer.
Live captioning will be provided.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Heralding the Arrival of Fall
As the leaves change, the mornings feel frosty, and the evenings darken sooner, the 9/11 Memorial Museum highlights some photos from the permanent collection that capture that autumn feeling and celebrate the lives of some of the 2,983 men, women, and children we memorialize.
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Stories of Hope: The Survivor Tree

Following the 9/11 attacks, Ronaldo Vega worked alongside his NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) colleagues at Ground Zero, helping to clear debris from the site. While working long and difficult shifts in the weeks after 9/11, Vega and some of his fellow recovery workers witnessed an inspiring testament to resilience.