UVA Creates 9/11 Memorial from WTC Steel

WTC steel and an American flag flown over the U.S. Capitol in honor of 9/11 victim Glenn Davis Kirwin make up the 9/11 memorial at UVA (photo courtesy Evan Davis)

Because of the dedication of a University of Virginia student, a tangible reminder of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks is now part of the Charlottesville campus. The student, Evan Davis, secured a piece of World Trade Center steel that is being used for a 9/11 memorial.

"There were several alumni that were victims of the attack, so we feel this memorial is a great way to bring their honor to campus and bring their memory back to grounds,” Davis told WVIR

Davis, president of UVA’s Student Association of Firefighters, EMTs and Rescue-Technicians, submitted an application to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to acquire a piece of WTC steel for the campus memorial.  

The memorial was dedicated on Sunday and includes an American flag flown over the U.S. Capitol. The flag was given to the family of UVA alumnus and victim of the 9/11 attack Glenn Davis Kirwin.

Read more in The Daily Progress.

By 9/11 Memorial Staff

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Naval Ships Are Built in Honor of Sept. 11 Victims


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StoryCorps, 9/11 Memorial Win Peabody Award

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StoryCorps and the National September 11 Memorial & Museum have won a 71st Annual George Foster Peabody Award for work commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.The award recognizes the work of the "September 11th Initiative,

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