The MEMO Blog

The official blog of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum features stories of commemoration and memorialization, and information on our public programs, special events, and ways to get involved.

Dozens of square tiles that are varying shades of blue are seen up close in Memorial Hall.
Photo by Dan Winters

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Tribute in Light to Mark 15th Anniversary of 9/11

September 9, 2016

Two blue high-powered lights will illuminate the Manhattan skyline in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of 9/11. This Sunday, the public is invited to view the world-renowned public art piece Tribute in Light from the 9/11 Memorial.

Iconic Ground Zero Flag Donated to 9/11 Memorial Museum

September 8, 2016

The iconic American flag three New York City firefighters raised above World Trade Center rubble on 9/11 that later disappeared has been recovered and donated to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

15 Years Later: Daughter of Fallen FDNY Lt. Reflects on Healing

September 7, 2016

Ed Note: Caitlin Leavey was just 10 years old when she lost her father, FDNY Lt. Joseph Leavey, on Sept. 11. In this guest blog, she writes about her journey of healing and how she honors the memory of her father 15 years after the attacks.

From Washington D.C. to NYC, Bike Trail to Connect National 9/11 Memorials

September 6, 2016

Starting on September 10, cyclists will be able to traverse a 21-mile segment from the Pentagon Memorial to the Flight 93 National Memorial as part of the National September Memorial Trail initiative, according to The Tribute-Democrat of Johnston, Pennsylvania.

9/11 Survivor Reflects on Experience 15 Years Later

September 2, 2016

On 9/11, Florence Jones escaped from her office on the 77th floor of the South Tower. Unfortunately many of her coworkers did not. Years later, she donated the black pair of shoes she wore on her harrowing decent to safety.

Mural Thanks Gander for Hosting Stranded Travelers on 9/11

September 1, 2016

As the terrorist attacks unfolded on the morning of September 11, U.S. airspace closed and Canadian air traffic scrambled to land as many commercial flights as possible as soon as possible.

Athletes Trek 75 Miles to 9/11 Memorial, Raise Money for Children of 9/11 Victims

August 31, 2016

Two New York athletes battled the late summer heat to participate in a 75-mile expedition to raise money for the children of 9/11 victims.

No Day Shall Erase You: New 9/11 Museum Book Published

August 30, 2016

Today marks the release date of the 9/11 Memorial Museum’s definitive, official companion book “No Day Shall Erase You: The Story of 9/11 as told at the National September 11 Memorial Museum.”

The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum

August 29, 2016

The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum is a photography series devoted to documenting moments big and small that unfold at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

Ground Zero Photo Inspires 15-Year Pursuit

August 26, 2016

A crinkled photograph found in the rubble at ground zero prompted Australian photographer Nathan Edwards to embark on a 15-year search to find the young woman and toddler pictured in the snapshot, according to an article for News Corp Australia.