Understanding Urban Warfare
Understanding Urban Warfare
- Wednesday, December 13, 2023
- 5:00 p.m.
- Auditorium

As Israel continues its war against Hamas in Gaza, the challenges of conducting a military operation in one of the most densely populated areas in the world have become clear. To help us understand the characteristics and complexity of this conflict, we are joined by Col. Liam Collins (ret.), former Director of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point and co-author of Understanding Urban Warfare. In this conversation with Museum Director, Clifford Chanin, Col. Collins will discuss his career as a special forces officer, the lessons learned from similar operations, and the future of warfare in an increasingly urban world.
The Alice M. Greenwald Public Program is made possible with support from Joel S. Marcus, Executive Chairman & Founder, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc./Alexandria Venture Investments, Jane Rosenthal, Co-Founder & CEO, Tribeca Enterprises, and Christine A. Ferer.
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