Prosecuting the 1993 Bombers
Prosecuting the 1993 Bombers
- February 22, 2018
- 7 to 8:30 P.M.
- Auditorium
Photo by Monika Graff
The February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center marked the first time the Twin Towers were attacked by terrorists. Former U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White of the Southern District of New York oversaw the prosecution of the plotters. To mark the 25th anniversary of the bombing, White discusses the challenges of prosecuting terrorism and her role in bringing the perpetrators of the 1993 attack to justice.
Photos by Monika Graff
2018_0222 Mary Jo WhiteFULL PROGRAM
2018_0222 Mary Jo White_(Caps)HIGHLIGHT CLIP
Other Resources
The 2017–2018 public program season at the 9/11 Memorial Museum was made possible in part by the David Berg Foundation.