Digital Learning Experience Archives

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum offers a collection of first-person accounts of the attacks and their aftermath as a part of the annual Anniversary Digital Learning Experience, formally known as Anniversary in the Schools. Individual stories are categorized by speaker type and video type below. Each video includes discussion questions to use while viewing.

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  • Scott Strauss

    Retired New York City Police Department officer who helped rescue a Port Authority Police Department officer trapped under debris after the collapse of the Twin Towers

    • Type: Captioned
  • Mark Lewis and Kathy Dillaber

    Army officer who was inside the Pentagon and helped direct evacuees and search for survivors; Pentagon survivor and 9/11 family member whose sister, Patricia Mickley, was killed in the attack.

    • Type: ASL
  • Lila Nordstrom

    Student on 9/11 at Stuyvesant High School, located next to the World Trade Center, who founded StuyHealth, and advocacy group for young adults impacted by 9/11 and its aftermath

    • Type: Captioned
  • Webinar 2017

    Full webinar program featuring Bill Spade, Tom Canavan, and Allison Crowther

    • Type: Captioned