Details -

Hope's Germination

After wrestling for two days with a horizontal green monster painting, some
of the drawings from the previous week started making sense, basic shapes
becoming apparent or becoming suddenly recognizable. It's more than just
being away from them, it's the returning from a slightly different angle.
>From a tangent previously unexplored.

Pieces of a puzzle starting to fit together, a little here a little there.
One thing about this puzzle though, it didn't come in a box with the big
picture on the front. It's sort of an act of faith that every piece you turn
over will eventually find it's place. The big fun is when you discover that
this patch here, if you rotate it and move it way over to the other side, it links up with that patch over there.
Like two parts of your brain bumping into each other and saying, nice to
meet you.
22 February 2002
In the recent adventure in green there seems to be a movement like zooming in from one painting to the next. The second painting like a detail of the first, successive simplification in the third into simply green in number four. Initially the green canvas was made to try an extension above no.1. That didn't fly, but it may have a home next to the third.

there is so much green around
at home in the woods in the summer,
that there seeems to be little urgency
to use it in painting.
As a consequence,
beginning with green,
like returning to the forest in early may,
proclaims a change of season july13/02