i have passed over to the other side of god's rainbow where i watch the angels fly.for i have a great vantage point from my new home in the sky.

i offer god all my praise and glory,for he has granted me his heavenly grace.now,all my former earthly problems have simply vanished without a trace.

i ask my loving family that they not mourn to long and cry,....and as you wipe away the tears,try not to reason why????

for god in his infinite love and wisdom has his own time table and master plan,....and as time passes by we will all better understand.
now i tip my cap and direct a kiss to my loving family and best friends....
i salute all my brave brother firefighters who served with me till the very end.

now,i bid you all a fond and heart felt last goodbye,....
from my new home in the sky,...where the saints and angels fly.

copyright 2005 joseph p.martino

dedicated to all the brave firemen past and present.
especially the hero fire fighters who lost their lives in the line of duty in order that we may

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