A dedication to all of the lives that were lost on September 11, and more...

Verse 1
This one's for the firemen, who lost their lives that ugly day.
This one's for all the police, who lost their lives, that same ugly way.
This one's for the pilots and the passengers, who lost their lives in a horrible way
This one's for all the innocent people, who lived in fear
their very last day, for they are

Brave New American Heroes, I thank you now, more than ever before, those
Brave New American Heroes, oh I thank you all, everyday even more.
and the evil will be challenged, then the evil will be punished by more
Brave New American Heroes,
I thank my God, and I thank ALL for THEM, today!

Verse 2
It's a different world now, but we will turn it all around
because our way of life is so good, and all the demented, will be found.
I will not live in fear, but instead I will survive
I will dedicate this to the brave ones, for as long, as I am alive!
United we were born and united we'll stay, there simply is, NO other way
Our doors were open, for we are loving ones,
but the selfish acts of terror, simply have to go away or they'll face...

I notice now every day that people are talking and showing great faith.
Because we know there's nothing more important than freedom
One by one, we will change the world
and they ALL shall see the goodness of the American way! (to chorus)

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