To stand on the opposite shore
And recall what used to be
is no longer a joyful event
But a horrendous tragedy

Two vacuous slots are in the sky
Two momentous towers are gone
And as I viewed the emptiness
My heart became forlorn

Through all the mist and smoke
I imagined a thought so rare
I beheld thousands of innocent souls
Rising in the air

Silently I composed my thoughts
And utterly lost my breath
These tearful words of pain and sorrow
Are a dirge to senseless death

Once on the spot I viewed freedom
Once in that time now gone bye
I was proud and free of heart
Alas... Two Spaces in the sky.

by Robert S. Vena
Brielle, NJ

Published Sunday 11/11/01 the Jersey City Reporter, J.C. N.J

Published Monday 11/12/01 the Jersey Journal, J.C. N.J>

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