Armageddon darkly waited
In the early morning hours
As I poured potations
In the shadow of the towers

Beneath democracies twin symbols
An evil sickness stalked
Six innocents lost their lives
But thousands calmly walked

Through the acrid smoke and darkness
A native spirit survived
New Yorkers are amazing
They made it out alive

As togetherness prevailed
Most employed a calming stance
With the aid of rescue police and firement
The bad guys had no chance

when all returns to normal
We must punish those to blame
Know ye you enemies of freedom
You have brought yourselves world shame

In this land of liberty
And in a city such as ours
Your weapons and your hatred
Are null, to freedoms powers.

Robert S. Vena
Brielle, N.J.
Written after first terrorist attack on W.T.C. in 1993

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