One Year Later At Ground Zero
September 11, 2002

It was with anguish that she cried,
“I must know where my child had died.”

“I need to know where the North Tower stood,”
It was the voice of a saddened motherhood.

“My child must not lie there all alone,
Without the love that it had known.”

“Right here,” the officer told her gently,
As he led her to a spot, thoughtfully.

Weeping deeply she dropped to her knees,
To dig a hole with bare hands, where her child might be.

Into the hole she placed a letter,
With her child’s picture; it made her feel better.

For her child was never found for burial,
Her loved one was missing from those in the rubble.

She tenderly covered the hole with a mound of dirt and stones,
And onto this grave she placed a symbol of her faith and a single rose.

I would like to think that this small but poignant gesture,
Reached out and gave comfort and solace to survivors and mourners.
Whose loved ones remains were never found,
That their loved ones were also buried in this hallowed ground.

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