Three Years Later At Ground Zero
September 11, 2004

It is now three years to the day
That a perverse mankind put on display.
An act of terror beyond compare
Three thousand souls were massacred.

Four U.S. aircraft were well on their way
When they were hijacked to the passenger’s dismay.
Little did the passengers know what was ahead
Their minds were filled with fear and dread.

As time passed with the four aircrafts in air
The passenger’s hearts soon turned to despair.
What does the future hold for them?
It looked not good was their lament.

Two of the aircraft hit the Twin Towers
With such force and tremendous power.
Both towers disintegrated to the ground
It left steel and stone and human flesh in a mound.

The third aircraft was bound for Washington D.C.
It must have had in its sight, the Presidency.
But alas, it smashed into the Pentagon
Our symbol of strength and security--our paragon.

The fourth aircraft we knew not where it was bound
The passengers rebelled and forced it to the ground.
It crashed in a field in Pennsylvania
Like the others, all were killed to end the mania.

Mothers and fathers and their children too
Along with aunts and uncles and cousins, to name a few.
Grandmothers, grandfathers and grandchildren were also there
All murdered in a flash without a reason or dare.

To all the survivors who mourned their loss
May G-d give them courage and lessen their pain.
To go on with their lives with the hope for the future
That all their loved ones did not die in vain.

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