Details -

This painting was completed on 12/22/01, in response to an invitation to participate in a group exhibition in a gallery in Easton, Pennsylvania.

The title of the exhibition was: "Artists' Response to 9/11/01."

"Crowned with Brotherhood" captured that very very brief moment between the 9/11 attacks and America's retaliation.

During this few weeks between carnage and then more carnage, embryonic brotherhood, compassion, and love for New York City and for the attacked United States swept into America from around the world and poured to Manhattan from within America's own borders.

That goodwill so quickly evaporated with America's retaliatory responses that continue to elude the capture of the perpetrators of the 9/11/01 attacks.

The male figures in the painting are reflections of George Grey Barnard's famed "Brothers" statuary that grace the main entrance to Pennsylvania's Capitol in Harrisburg.

The 'brothers' seem to be falling, yet holding hands, from the doomed Twin Towers - created in exaggerated one-point perspective and overlayed with the surviving Empire State Building and Chrysler Building.