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Shanksville, Flight 93. Truly a beautiful place and a delightful people.
Shanksville offered many incredible experiences. When Blaine first arrived prior to the 5th anniversary, he decided to let his spirit guide him. It was God that moved in every instance. There were many experiences where people said, I felt I had to go to this location and now I know why. He received also free accomadations and many other wonderful gifts. Most importantly Blaine was able to experience some of the feelings and emotions from the tragedy of Flight 93. Many times when he left the site and was about 5-10 minutes out there would be a voice saying go back and you'll be rewarded, he was. The most moving night he had was his last and once again he was called to go back. It was early evening and as he was walking towards the grounds he placed his hand outward. It was at that time that a serge of electricity entered his hand. As he walked towards the benches he would shift his hand from side to side. The electricity flow would subside except to the bench he was meant to sit on. Once placed on the bench he prayed and looked out towards the crash site. All of the sudden he was forced to raise his arm and place his palm towards the symbols of the fallen. Once again he would shift his hand from side to side sensing to flow of electricity. He stood up and walked to where the greatest serge of energy was directed. Four individual symbols he placed his hand above and as he progressed the more the tears flowed from his eyes. He says, this was an uncontrolable experience that was beyond any expectation he could have participated in. He picked up on four of the fallen and the spirits that remained.

Robert Blaine Burns
The Canadian Artist