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"A lady took a photo of the twin towers, while she was in a boat, before 9/11. Just as she snapped the picture, the sun came between the towers making a cross shape! I thought it was prophetic, that the cross even showed where the towers were to be struck! I wanted to depict the "rest of the story." In the reflection is an ethereal depiction of the aftermath. In sort of an anchor shape on one side is our fighting men going out, Pres. Bush being notified, the EXPLOSION, Afghans coming out on their donkey carts, piled with everything they owned, and our three firemen putting up our flag. The people of Afghanistan are so poor, and yet the Al-Qaida group so evil and destructive! They used our plane, loaded with fuel, to commit suicide and kill our countrymen, and hit a symbol of our economy! So we really don't need to pride ourselves in our advanced technology of missiles, nuclear power, and our "intelligence" to protect ourselves. We could save our money!"