We Are Americans
We love the U.S.A.
And never been more proud
Than we are of her today

We keep our sacred duty
Our strength grows more and more
We're fighting for our Freedom
It's well worth fighting for

When September 11th happened
It was such a beautiful day
Then the terror struck
And took it all away

We Are America, the land of the free
We fight for right, for justice and for our Liberty
You awoke a mighty giant on that September morn
You reminded us of what we had the moment we were born

We're united more than ever
To protect the U.S.A.
From those who want to harm us
And take our rights away

Protect our Armed Forces
As they fight on a foreign land
To search out the evil
In mountains and desert sand

We applaud you, all our heroes
Each and every one
God will reward you
When your life on Earth is done

Don't forget that God created the Earth
He can take it all away
He's watching from His mighty tower
To see who does what today

God is love and love grows stronger
As time goes on
He knows no evil and those that do it
Will soon be gone

Our President speaks to the nations
And as leaders all agree
Terrorists have no place to exist
On land, in the air or on the sea

God loves all children
No matter what their race
He loves the country that welcomes them
To a free and loving place

Let's not forget who the Leader is
He decides what fate is done
He's the leader of all nations
And when this war is won

There'll be a lesson taught by the ultimate power
Not to take for granted each day
But to live and love every moment
Or in a moment, it can slip away

As the flag flies to remind us
Of the freedom that we share
Take the time to love your neighbor
And let him know you care

God is love and love is strength
That can help us through each day
As one man holds up another
And wipes the tears away

We hurt for those who are suffering
We'll mend anything we can
We'll use any power within us
At home or on a foreign land

God give us the strength and the courage
And bring us a brighter day
When all nations are united
And all wars have gone away

We'll trust in you to guide us
The way it's always been
Heal our broken hearts
And God Bless America Again

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