It was a bright, sunny day and calm
A beautiful feeling filled the air
Then, the towers came down
People were running in despair

All our First Responders
Were rushing to the scene
Others were told, "Run and don't look back"
The air was anything but clean

You couldn't see your own hand
As you put it in front of your face
The only way to describe it
Was a living hell was made of that wonderful place

Thank you to the food servers who fed everyone
Who thought they were too tired to eat
For the medical staff and the insoles
That soothed the burns on both their feet

The stranger that handed a cold drink
As they walked away from the scene
For the clothes that were donated
So they could slide into something warm and clean

The firemen and policemen came from other towns
To do anything they could
It was a comfort just knowing they were around
If there was a way to help us, we knew they would

First Responders worked to exhaustion
That was clearly shown
You see, they have a special code
That's to take care of their own

The hospital ship was in the harbor
As the dark smoke blackened the sky
There stood our Statue of Liberty
Tears falling from her eyes

Thank you to our F.B.I., our C.I.A, Hazmat
Our Government and F.E.M.A.
For the tireless job they're all doing
For all our country's leaders

To the Salvation Army, The Red Cross
For all the donations sent in
To F.E.M.A. for their beautiful dogs
Thanks for so much, we don't know where to begin

To those lost, the survivors
And those left to carry on
It's hard to believe
That so many things have gone

We are America, we're strong
We will rebuild again
We'll stand taller and stronger than ever
It's our promise to you, our loved ones and our friends

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