CNN reported another plane is down
As it was broadcast over the air
The thought of another attack
Was more than I could bear

9:38 am, a plane struck the Pentagon
Just like the two attacks before
When I heard the word Pentagon
I knew we were at war

I felt the same as all Americans
How could this even be?
The air traffic over Washington
Is so guarded, you see

Then, I thought of all those brave people
That work so hard to defend this land we love
And all the innocent people on that plane
My God, what were the terrorists thinking of?

What past experience
Could fill you with so much hate?
How could you go so far and not change your mind
Before it was too late?

The Pentagon's rebuilt
They're working overtime, we know
Our Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld
says, "We're ready to go!"

We have to deal
with the threat of Saddam Hussein
The consequences are serious
This is war and not a game

As our beautiful American flag
flies high in the sky
She's a constant reminder
Of what we have to do, and why

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