Whether it's in your yard playing ball
Or at the foot of your bed when you're sick
The cold nose, the soulful eyes
To show they love you, they'll give you a lick

Are they man's best friend? You bet they are!
On September 11th there was no question
They walked bravely into the rubble
And into the fire

They're the Dogs of F.E.M.A.
That answered the call
From their masters
Those who love them, most of all

They too are paying the price
As many did
As they gave their all
So that others could live

They were breathing the air without a mask
They worked to exhaustion to meet the task
They're Man's Best Friend from F.E.M.A.
Oh, what a horrific job we asked them to do
But, they did it for the love of their master
For me and for you

We'll always remember
The tears that were shed
As you came out of the rubble
How your burned feet bled

You were dehydrated and exhausted
But you never gave in
We honor you, we'll always remember
You're Man's Best Friend!

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