A child is a most precious gift
That God can ever give
The things that happen in your life
Can affect the way you live

The loved one that you lost
Will never be gone
They'll be alive within your heart
They've got you to carry on

It's more important than ever
That you look deep within your heart
Be the best of what you can be
That's the place to start

When you give of yourself to others
The tears will go away
Love can bring the sunshine
To a somewhat cloudy day

The children of September 11th
Will go down in history
They're America's special children
You're in our hearts and memories

Talk about your feelings
Let your anger out
One person helping another
Is what it's all about

Think of life as a garden
It needs to be nourished, we know
Weed out all the bad thoughts
And flowers are sure to grow

A child has the best vision
They can see far down the road
They're not afraid to try
To carry a heavy load

They may need to stop and take a breath
If the trip is very long
They may be small in stature
But their heart beats loud and strong

Life has no guarantee
And sometimes you can fall
Pick yourself up, brush yourself off
You're gonna make it after all

We live in a country
Where any dream can come true
Assert yourself, work hard
The future is up to you

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