They're known as your silent hero
If you need them, they'll be there
The Angel on your shoulder
When you need someone to care

In the past, you've known many people
There's been turmoil and strife
They're all colors and religions
In some way, they've touched your life

They give us their courage
They help us to be strong
When the nights seem so lonely
And the days seem so long

Sorrow can cloud your vision
Love can dry your tears
An extended hand of a stranger
Can help you through your fears

You help us to see tomorrow
With the promise of a new day
You let us borrow your smile
Until our frown has gone away

Everybody needs somebody
Every nightmare has an end
When the rain meets the sunshine
A rainbow can descend

Go to sleep my friend
The sun will soon rise
And the beauty of the world
Will be there to greet your eyes

It's a new day, a new beginning
Yesterday has gone
Look forward to tomorrow
Rise up and carry on

Live your life to the fullest
Let love overflow your heart
When you give love, you'll receive love
You'll feel it as soon as you start

Love can smother a fire
That evil has made burn
Let's block the road to evil
So hate has no place to turn

If we spent as much time loving
As the time we waste every day
The whole world could be brought together
And all wars would go away

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