I'm a fireman's daughter
Although my dad has passed on
The memories I have of him
Will never be gone

Thanksgiving dinner was ready
It was time to sit down
The alarm went in, it was a Code 3
In the heart of the town

You came home
In the middle of the night
We kept your dinner warm
You were too tired to eat or to take a bite

The time you froze to the ladder
In a blinding snow
There was no way to get loose
You couldn't let go

Or the three story house on fire
In an ice storm, as bad as could be
I saw something
I never thought I'd see

A fireman had icicles hanging
From his helmet, coat and nose
They were even hanging
From his gloves, boots and clothes

Ambulances were in position
As men were taking their turn
For smoke inhalation
And some for burns

I'll never forget that night
As long as I live
God bless all firemen
I know how much they give

They give of themselves
And some give all
The alarm goes in
They answer the call

Your daughters, your mother
And your wife
All saw what it meant to you
When you saved a life

My Dad, the Fireman
When the alarm goes in
My memories still live on
I see you, you're alive again

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