A police officer, once he's sworn in
Is on duty every day
He works to keep crime off our streets
And harm from coming your way

It's not an easy job, but rewarding
When you can see the good you do
The respect gotten from a child
Who truly looks up to you

The rotating shifts aren't easy
Your salary's not the best
You always give 100 percent
When you're put to any test

When the call came in for the towers,
You ran towards them, when others ran away
Your training kicked in
Common sense told you to go, duty told you to stay

Policemen take care of their own
The hardest thing to do
Was to know your partner or fellow officer
Was in there too

Your first priority is to save a life
And do everything you can
To protect the public in every way
Be there for your fellow man

All of you have a family
The responsibilities are great
If a call goes in and it's dangerous
All they can do is wait

We pray the wisdom and the courage you showed
When you got the Trade Center call,
Will be with you always, with an Angel on your shoulder
God Bless You, One and All

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