Thank you God, for letting me open my eyes
To see another day
After September 11th
I see everything in a different way

I appreciate the things I took for granted
And just assumed they'd always be there
I'll take that extra step
To show my loved ones, how much I care

Did I use this day and not waste it?
I think about this every night
Not just to do what I want
But to do them because they're right

I want to give back to our country
Look what she's given to me
Everything I have, I owe to her
It's a God given gift, to live in the land of the free

Our children have learned at a much younger age
How destructive hatred can be
To respect all the heroes that were there for us
With unselfish courage, so we can be free

They've replaced the football and baseball posters
That used to adorn their wall
They've hung up posters of a fireman, a policeman,
And a serviceman that salutes us all

It's sad they had to learn this way
What hatred can do
But love has a much greater power
Pass it around, you'll see that it's true

It can build bridges
Where there were none before
It can show the world
That love is a super power, Not War

Life is too short to waste it
Those that want to harm us don't agree
They say they believe in God
So God, I pray that you can open their eyes and
make them see

We may be called a super power
We want all nations to know
If evil is rooted out from it's core
All nations can become one and every nation can grow

You'll awake every day to realize
That all your dreams can come true
That every wish you wish, every prayer you pray,
God will answer. He'll be there for you

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