A candlelight service for 911
Began just before dark
Bruce's recitation was beautifully done

Michael, wearing the purple heart and Everett
Were the masters of ceremonies
At this memorial park

The home of a Vietnam wall
The bravest of the brave who fought
And others died for us all

As uniformed servicemen marched in
Michaels' favorite song, "The Green Beret"
Was played for them

As Jeanette, our soloist sang, "Hero" with pride
To these handsome young servicemen
There, at her side

I wrote, "We Are Americans" Len composed the music
We turned it into a song
Our stars and stripes for freedom, are lead in a
Patriotic sing-a-long

A past Fire Chief from New York City was there
He gave a beautiful speech
The Chaplain said a prayer

The wind was fierce
We were chilled through our bones
As cold as it was, no one left to go home

My 96 year old Aunt came to attend
She loved the service
She wants to do it again

A girl scout that gave the flowers
Tender loving care
Wrote a poem
She was asked to read it there

It grew dark, it was as dark as could be
The strangest thing happened
The wind stopped, the candles stayed lit, so we could see

The presence of those we were remembering was there
They know how much we love them
Love filled the air

Two fire engines with their ladders so high
"God Bless America" was sung
While the flag was raised towards the sky

An acappella of the "Star Spangled Banner" sung with pride
Our love for our country
Will never die

There at attention stood our uniformed men
Just think of all they give us
And they're willing to do it again

As your heart beats faster in your chest
While you listen
To the taps being played
For all those laid to rest

A solo of "Wind Beneath My Wings" was sung
At the end, Jeanette turned, pointed and sang
Thank God For You, to each and every one

We pray please God, let all wars be done
Every serviceman is somebody's daughter or son
They love their country and some give all
They know this, when they answer the call

As we all joined together and sang
"Let There Be Peace on Earth"
We remember the price paid for freedom
And how much it's worth

The children knelt down in a circle
The candlelight on their face
They are our future
Let's begin at this place

To build a better future
For the children we see
So all children everywhere
Can live, love and be free

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