Look at the faces of the family
As our men and women go off to war
It's something no one wants to do
Though it's been done many times before

Freedom has its price
And the cost can be so high
We have to protect this land that we love
We don't want anyone to die

Our men and women of courage
We couldn't be more proud of you
Preparing to go to war
Is a very hard thing to do

If war definitely has to happen
We know you've trained with the best
If Iraq doesn't comply
You know the rest

With any war, innocent people will die
If there's an alternative solution
And it's not taken
We can't understand why

Every country has the right
To live, love and be free
The threat of a terrorist attack
Is very real, that we see

No one wants to awake every day
With the threat of another attack
No sane person can accept living
Having to always watch their back

Thank God, the peace loving countries agree
To cut out evil at its core
The way the world has been
We know living in fear, is accepted no more

We all have a heart that beats
And a body that feels pain
To stop a war, one more thing we share
Needs to be used and that's the brain

For everyone's sake, we hope they use it
And war is stopped before it's begun
Once things are in motion
We won't stop, until this war is won

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