They can be someone you know
Or someone you’ve never met before
A firefighter, a policeman, hazmat
Or a serviceman or woman going off to war

The Army cannons are moving
Boots are on the ground
They’ll protect our country’s honor
And live for the day they’ll be homeward bound

They’re out there when we’re sleeping
Doing what they’re trained to do
To make the world a better place
For everyone for me, and for you

When I see the helicopters leaving
Their base to go to war
The planes carrying the military
As they’ve done many times before

The Navy families watching the ships
As their loved ones go out to sea
The Marines and the Coast Guard
Are moving out to keep our country free

Then there’s the Air Force
They protect us from the sky
With the smallest planes to the largest
So big you can’t believe they can fly

The Coast Guard is doing an excellent job
They’re out there everyday
Patrolling around the clock
To keep great harm from coming our way

This is America and we’re proud as we can be
It’s because of men and women
Like our fallen heroes
We can live in the land of the free.

Copyright July 3, 2011

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