Dear World

Today as a country we stood before the world
like we never have before,
all colors and religions hand in hand with love,
more powerful than terrorism and war

It’s not the color of your skin
or your nationality
that makes you who you are
or who you are going to be

It’s the love that’s in your heart
that will give you the strength
to face another day
to hold each other close, to kneel down and pray

We haven’t just said it we’ve shown the world
how it can be done,
we stood together hand in hand
our hearts and soles became one.

We’ll stand behind our President
he has a very important job to do,
just remember the faces of all of the crowds
they’re your strength that will give you the power to see you through

The world is our neighbor
we want you as our friend,
we’ve shown the world we can all stand together
we can work out our differences
and let all wars end

Copy Righted 8/26/2012

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