…went ‘round ‘n ‘round again, end, again showers on the sighed.
Stared in, under towers brake
know wear would they hide.
See meant fence is healed to takes
tight end to the crunch.
Scene the love of saddened i’s
willed try over lunch.

One moor time, end once again,
papers float in air.
Black walled curtains call winds,
falls, gusts of bust scene – fear.
Stilled ply prayers of loneliness,
hands on hearts wholed loves.
Dreams of times forever spent
bowed to chimes and doves.

Standing bye the window’s glance
hands held at hour sighed.
One more one will come again
stair at faith’s door, cried.
Hear a long the story’s bend
speaker’s care re: song.
Man, kind knows it’s never flight,
killing wrongs bleed wrong.

Piled din revenge, no it speaks
when will love re: main?
Cross are hearts, end hell’d dour hopes
‘Never be…’ - the claim.
Those of loss remember, win
love’s hear, end be sure.
When we speak of lost in veins
know that their’s our pure.

Smile end, ponder all that was
good daze, end the rest.
Yes, weave felt their spirits i,
live they’ve willed love’s test.
Our love grows - threw all of those
who live width /thin hate when
Oui remember love still rains
again, and again, and again.

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