Beat the homeless
Maim the child
Kill the in know sense
Meek, end mild
Raise the price is
Tomb the cars
Annihilate - Sacrilege
Pass out s.a.r.s
Blow up smiles
Damage treasure
Chop to death
Just ‘fore pleasure
Tear down centuries
Antiquities glance
Never scene plants
Greed is goaled
‘Ain’t my job’ pool
Soul’s hour sold-bye
‘In the clear’ tool
Spoil the land
Tock sick’s bread
Malicious roomers
Raze the dead
Reek the havoc
Pander moany ‘em rains
Starve - who cares?
Need ills - pain
An our key heaven
Ammo seek your
Smash the gentle
Dearth the poor
Famine the mind
Water the rich
Slaughter children
Use sum of a bitch
Murder the truth
Slay fellow man
Execute love
Just cause? - you can

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