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Although I am a painter, I created this piece using photographs I took after returning to my home on September 22, 2001 and is called "spectacle". Upon my family's return, I was astounded by the thousands of people in my neighborhood coming to see "Ground Zero". I couldn't even look in that direction let alone go see it up close, and thought of people coming to gawk appalled me. Out of anger and disgust, I headed to the corner of Broadway and Fulton, the first spot where you could begin seeing the immense mound of debris, and proceeded to take about 150 photos of the onlookers before I was stopped by the police. From the 150 images I narrowed it down to 34 images which I then laid out in one continuos strip. The final piece yielded a much different result than I expected. Beauty. The crowd not only represented the great diversity of America, but it also showed the way we all respond with the same human reaction.

The piece is all digital, would measure 2' x 80', and be printed on self adhesive backed paper. It would then get mounted directly to the wall along the perimeter of a room. Above is an image of how it might look installed.