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San Diego Balboa Park Organ Pavilion, September 11, 2004.
The tribute sculpture represents the WTC Steel as testament to all heroes and survivors of that infamous morning, as well as paying homage to the families who lost loved ones. Engraved are the names of 343 Fire Fighters, 72 Port Authority & NY Police Officers, EMT/Paramedics, Navy personnel, Flight crews, Court Officers, K-9's, who lost their own lives in the quest to serve others. We will Never Forget their laughter, color and light that brightened our lives. The two paintings are symbolic of the Twin Towers that vaporized to nothing. Close your eyes and visualize the release of three thousand souls, all at once breaking free, filling the sky with a brilliance of color and resolution. The two Empty Metal Frames are indicative of a place where you expect to see your loved one in daily living, but no matter how hard you look the space remains empty. The Pentagon foundation represents the tragic events in Washington and Pennsylvania. The Memorial promotes peace in all corners of the earth; honoring the many walks of life and cultures represented by the World Trade Center.

Height 18 ft x Width 23 ft