On September eleventh, we remember
A day unlike any day before.
A day when our nation’s fertile ground was spoiled
And the peace we treasure was suddenly shattered.
On this day we fly Old Glory at half-mast.

Civilizations ‘round the world recoiled in
shock and disbelief
The mighty Twin Towers, crumbled
The Pentagon fortress, pierced
The aircraft over Pennsylvania, heroically diverted.
Our beloved patriots taken from us
On this infamous 9-11 day.

These precious fallen so silently rest
Still, they are woven within the compassionate
Fabric of our caring nation.
Our prayers united firmly with their families.
Forever in our hearts, they shall remain.

In honoring them, we look up at Old Glory
With renewed allegiance and fortitude
To affirm that our great American tapestry
Shall fly unfurled and undaunted , always!

Dan Choman

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