911 brought with it many, powerful memories that will remain in our hearts for a long time. We, all have our stories of where we were and what we were doing at the time the news came on the screen.

As a writer, I was one of the other millions, who felt comfort in putting pen to paper and exploring my feelings as each word revealed its self on the page. As the song of my soul unfolded, I recognized it contained a powerful, positive message in the midst of all this tragedy. I also became aware that this song is a healing song for all those who narrowly, escaped this disaster and maybe even suffering guilt in being spared.

The song is entitled “One People and One Soul” and it is my dream that this song be shared with any of those people who would be open to the posssibility of receiving its healing qualities. And it is also my desire that those same people would lend their voices in recording this song as further endorsement of its healing qualities.

I choose to donate “One People and One Soul”, in demo form, as my gift to all those who have been touched by 911.

Prior to going into the recording studio to record the demo for “One People and One Soul” I had a strong desire to visit Ground Zero and to pay my respects in whatever way was possible. This strong desire was met, almost immediately, as I shared it with my music writing, friend, Beau Simmons. He said that he was taking his daughter to Ground Zero and so I invited myself to go along.

The 3 hour drive was very quiet for us as we each were clearly in introspective states. I felt a deep surge of emotion as we finally, pulled into New York and found a perfect parking space, not too far from Ground Zero and silently, walked to the site.
It was around 11am as we approached the Official who was guiding everyone to their place in line. “Tickets please!” he asked us as walked up to him. “Oh! we don’t have any tickets!” we replied, dumfounded and disappointed. Oh! you would have needed to be here very early to ge tickets! I am sorry - but truthfully, if you just walk around that way...(he pointed over to his left) ..you’ll get just as good a vantage point as anyone.” We dutifully, followed his advice and as we wandered aroung to the spot that he had recommended, a young couple with a child approached us. “Do you need tickets?” they asked, “We have some but we are unable to wait.” We felt so blessed and we thanked them heartily as they sped off into the crowd.

We hot-footed it back to the line and found ourselves at the beginning of a new line. My heart was pounding as we walked up the ramp with the makeshift guard rail made out of plywood that contained handwritten, messages written by all those who had come before us. I quickly got out my pen and wrote, “One People and One Soul” - Mahri Best and as I looked over the side of the wooden wall I saw what looked like an old graveyard. It had been burned out and the trees were totally bare except for a couple which were holding tattered drapes and dishevilled window blinds that were hanging, hopefully onto the limbs of the trees.

As I looked down, beneath the trees, I gasped as my eyes spotted a small, bright green patch of grass and between the blades of grass, looking bright and white and yellow, were some tiny, daises. I couldn’t help but feel gratitude for this new life in the midst of the bare ground and burned-out limbs.

Evidently, this scene stayed with me as I began to meditate later on my visit to Ground Zero, because I was inspired to write, “Hallowed Ground” and this song I also wish to donate as my gift. My desire is that this song will be played in the Memorial Park that is being designed.

If there is any way that monies can be created by these two songs, that I am donating, my only wish is that all the proceeds would go to help anyone who is still suffering from hardship due to their involvement in 911

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