Lady Liberty wept that day
as she watched America's freedom
come crashing down at her feet.

As from the harbor she watched
horrific crimes of hate
as one, then two hijacked planes
met their destinies with fate.

She watched in horror as twin towers,
once sisters standing tall and proud on the skyline
were reduced to mangled piles of destruction
on the streets below.

The dust and smoke created a shroud
of what for many has become their grave
It hid from view the sorrowful sight
of the lives we couldn't save.

While in our Nation's Capitol
in the shadows of Lincoln's seat,
our safety and peace of mind were rattled
as our security was once again breached.

To a field in Pennsylvania
where a plane full of heroes died
their actions sealed their fates
but saved countless other lives.

Today we hold them in our thoughts
we read their names and pray.
Always remember and never forget
the events of that tragic day.

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