This is the most recent one.

Remember that day
That fateful day eight years ago
That day the world we knew changed

Remember those people
The ones who weren't supposed to die but did
The ones who fought bravey to the end

Remember the rescuers
The rescuers covered in ash and dust helping people out
The rescuers who died trying to save others

Remember those selfless civilians
Those who let complete strangers into their homes to call loved ones
Those who offered their support in this time of duress

Remember the sights
The Pentagon and the World Trade Centers crumbling
The plane in that Pennsylvania field

Remember the moment
The moment when it happened
The moment when it seemed that time stood still

Remember where you were
Where you were when that first plane hit
Where you were when the passengers fought back

Remember what you were doing
What you were doing in your daily routine
What you were doing as you began going about your day

Remember who you were with
Who in your family was there with you
Which of your friends did you talk to you

Remember 9.11
9.11 the day that will live in hearts and minds for years to come
9.11 the day that we will all remember.

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