We are envied, we are many, we are a stackable society.
We are forever people.
Through the unraveling of a once cohesive life, we re-mend and come together.
Build up, build high.
Rebuild, and strain the sky.
We believe, we achieve, and exceed our own blinding compelling boundaries.
Be silent, still, and open to arriving at our potentiality.
We are forever people.
We can sustain, we can surpass, and we will regain our
Look deep, breath easy…remember. Own your feelings, accept empowerment, and command the ability to change.
If symbolism is what carries you through, push forward.
If choice is what you seek, grab hold of the upper rung.
If structure is what gives you foundation, build upon it.
Take the time to look beyond the first layer, go beyond what you may see on the surface.
Pin point, focus, draw from, and propel off to reach the dreams…
The dreams of a

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